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and(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteWhere
Create a new delete condition performing logical conjunction (AND) by giving a column name
and(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperWhere
Create a new condition performing logical conjunction (AND) by giving a column name
asc() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperOrder
Defines the order ascending


between(T, T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition
Creates a delete condition where the column name provided is between the provided values
between(T, T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition
Creates a condition where the column name provided is between the provided values
bind(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.PreparedStatement
Binds an argument to a named parameter.


Column - Annotation Interface in jakarta.nosql
Specify the mapped column for a persistent property or field.
ColumnTemplate - Interface in jakarta.nosql.column
Template specialization for Column-Family or Wide-Column databases.
count(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.column.ColumnTemplate
Returns the number of elements from column family
count(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.document.DocumentTemplate
Returns the number of elements from document collection
count(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.column.ColumnTemplate
Returns the number of elements from column family
count(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.document.DocumentTemplate
Returns the number of elements from document collection


delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
It starts a query builder using the fluent-API journey.
delete(Class<T>, K) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
Deletes by ID or key.
delete(Iterable<K>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Removes entities from keys
delete(K) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Removes an entity from key
desc() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperOrder
Defines the order as descending
DocumentTemplate - Interface in jakarta.nosql.document
Template specialization for Document-oriented databases.


Entity - Annotation Interface in jakarta.nosql
Specifies that the class is an entity.
eq(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition
Creates a delete condition where the column name provided is equal to the provided value
eq(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition
Creates a condition where the column name provided is equal to the provided value
execute() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteQueryBuild
Executes the query


find(Class<T>, K) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
Finds by ID or key.


get(Iterable<K>, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Finds a list of values from keys
get(K, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Finds the Value from a key
getSingleResult(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Executes a query database then returns as single result
gt(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition
Creates a delete condition where the column name provided is greater than to the provided value
gt(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition
Creates a condition where the column name provided is greater than to the provided value
gte(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition
Creates a delete condition where the column name provided is greater than or equal to the provided value
gte(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition
Creates a condition where the column name provided is greater than or equal to the provided value


Id - Annotation Interface in jakarta.nosql
Specifies the mapped field of an entity is the entity’s ID, or the Key in Key-Value databases.
in(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition
Creates a delete condition where the column name provided is in the provided iterable values
in(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition
Creates a condition where the column name provided is in the provided iterable values
insert(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
Inserts entity, by default it's just run for each saving using Template.insert(Object)}, each NoSQL vendor might replace to a more appropriate one.
insert(Iterable<T>, Duration) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
Inserts entities collection entity with time to live, by default it's just run for each saving using Template.insert(Object, Duration), each NoSQL vendor might replace to a more appropriate one.
insert(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
Inserts an entity
insert(T, Duration) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
Inserts entity with time to live, TTL.


jakarta.nosql - package jakarta.nosql
Defines the core API in mapping level.
jakarta.nosql.column - module jakarta.nosql.column
The Jakarta NoSQL column module.
jakarta.nosql.column - package jakarta.nosql.column
Defines the API to Column Family in mapping level.
jakarta.nosql.core - module jakarta.nosql.core
The Jakarta NoSQL Core module.
jakarta.nosql.document - module jakarta.nosql.document
The Jakarta NoSQL document module.
jakarta.nosql.document - package jakarta.nosql.document
Defines the API to Document Collection in mapping level.
jakarta.nosql.keyvalue - module jakarta.nosql.keyvalue
The Jakarta NoSQL key-value module.
jakarta.nosql.keyvalue - package jakarta.nosql.keyvalue
Defines the API to Key-value in mapping level.


KeyValueTemplate - Interface in jakarta.nosql.keyvalue
Template specialization for Key-Value databases.


like(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition
Creates a delete condition where the column name provided is like to the provided value
like(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition
Creates a condition where the column name provided is like to the provided value
limit(long) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperFrom
Defines the maximum number of results to retrieve.
limit(long) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameOrder
Defines the maximum number of results to retrieve.
limit(long) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperSkip
Defines the maximum number of results to retrieve.
limit(long) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperWhere
Defines the maximum number of results to retrieve.
lt(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition
Creates a delete condition where the column name provided is less than the provided value
lt(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition
Creates a condition where the column name provided is less than the provided value
lte(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition
Creates a delete condition where the column name provided is less than or equal to the provided value
lte(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition
Creates a condition where the column name provided is less than or equal to the provided value


NoSQLException - Exception in jakarta.nosql
The root exception to Mapping layer
NoSQLException() - Constructor for exception jakarta.nosql.NoSQLException
Constructs a new runtime exception with null as its detail message.
NoSQLException(String) - Constructor for exception jakarta.nosql.NoSQLException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message.
NoSQLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jakarta.nosql.NoSQLException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NoSQLException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception jakarta.nosql.NoSQLException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
NoSQLException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jakarta.nosql.NoSQLException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
not() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition
Creates a NOT delete condition for the column name provided
not() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition
Creates a NOT condition for the column name provided.


or(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteWhere
Create a new delete condition performing logical disjunction (OR) by giving a column name
or(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperWhere
Create a new condition performing logical disjunction (OR) by giving a column name
orderBy(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperFrom
Add the order how the result will return
orderBy(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameOrder
Add the order of how the result will return based on a given column name
orderBy(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperWhere
Add the order how the result will return


prepare(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.column.ColumnTemplate
Creates a PreparedStatement from the query
prepare(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.document.DocumentTemplate
Creates a PreparedStatement from the query
prepare(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Executes a query database with PreparedStatement
PreparedStatement - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents a precompiled Query statement.
put(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Saves the Iterable of entities
put(Iterable<T>, Duration) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Saves the Iterable of entities with a defined time to live
put(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Saves the entity
put(T, Duration) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Saves the entity with time to live


query(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.column.ColumnTemplate
Executes a native query database then bring the result as a Stream
query(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.document.DocumentTemplate
Executes a query database, then bring the result as a Stream
query(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Executes a query database and don't return result, e.g.: when the query is either remove or put
query(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.keyvalue.KeyValueTemplate
Executes a query database.
QueryMapper - Interface in jakarta.nosql
This interface holds the interfaces that compose the Fluent API for selecting and deleting NoSQL entities.
QueryMapper.MapperDeleteFrom - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents the first step in the delete query fluent API
QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNameCondition - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents a delete condition based on a column name
QueryMapper.MapperDeleteNotCondition - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents a NOT delete condition in the delete query fluent API
QueryMapper.MapperDeleteQueryBuild - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents the last step of the delete query fluent API execution
QueryMapper.MapperDeleteWhere - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents a step where it's possible to perform a logical conjunction or disjunction adding one more delete condition or end up performing the built query
QueryMapper.MapperFrom - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents the first step in the query fluent API
QueryMapper.MapperLimit - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents the step in the query fluent API where it's possible to define the maximum number of results to retrieve or to perform the query execution
QueryMapper.MapperNameCondition - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents a condition based on a column name
QueryMapper.MapperNameOrder - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents the step in the query fluent API where it's possible to: define the order of the results or define the position of the first result or define the maximum number of results to retrieve or to perform the query execution
QueryMapper.MapperNotCondition - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents a NOT condition in the delete query fluent API
QueryMapper.MapperOrder - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents the step in the query fluent API where it's possible to define the order of the results or to perform the query execution
QueryMapper.MapperQueryBuild - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents the last step of the query fluent API execution
QueryMapper.MapperSkip - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents the step in the query fluent API where it's possible to define the position of the first result to retrieve or to perform the query execution
QueryMapper.MapperWhere - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Represents a step where it's possible to: Create a new condition performing logical conjunction (AND) by giving a column name Or create a new condition performing logical disjunction (OR) by giving a column name Or define the position of the first result Or define the maximum number of results to retrieve Or define the order of the results Or to perform the query execution


result() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.PreparedStatement
Executes a query and return the result as Stream
result() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperQueryBuild
Executes the query and it returns as a List


select(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
It starts a query using the fluent-API journey.
singleResult() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.PreparedStatement
Returns the result as a single element otherwise it will return an Optional.empty()
singleResult() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperQueryBuild
Executes the query and returns the result as a single element otherwise it will return an Optional.empty()
singleResult(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.column.ColumnTemplate
Executes a query then bring the result as a unique result
singleResult(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.document.DocumentTemplate
Executes a query database, then bring the result as a unique result
skip(long) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperFrom
Defines the position of the first result to retrieve.
skip(long) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperLimit
Defines the position of the first result to retrieve.
skip(long) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperNameOrder
Defines the position of the first result to retrieve.
skip(long) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperWhere
Defines the position of the first result to retrieve.
stream() - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperQueryBuild
Executes the query and it returns as a Stream


Template - Interface in jakarta.nosql
Templates are a helper class that increases productivity when performing common NoSQL operations.


update(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
Saves entity, by default it's just run for each saving using Template.update(Object)}, each NoSQL vendor might replace to a more appropriate one.
update(T) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.Template
Updates an entity


value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.nosql.Column
(Optional) The name of the column.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.nosql.Entity
The name of an entity.
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.nosql.Id
The name of the entity ID.


where(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperDeleteFrom
Starts a new delete condition by a column name
where(String) - Method in interface jakarta.nosql.QueryMapper.MapperFrom
Starts a new condition by given a column name
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form